
Keep up with the latest news from the NCI Center for Biomedical Informatics and Information Technology (CBIIT) and the data science communities.

NIH is soliciting comments on a new draft of the Public Access Policy which will remove the 12-month embargo period for NIH-funded manuscripts and data.

Bring your ideas for reusing spatial omics and single-cell sequence data! Collaborate with researchers and coders on data interoperability, educational tools, and creative uses of the HTAN atlas data.

Discover a new AI-driven tool that uses single-cell RNA data to help predict patient responses to cancer treatments.

NCI-funded researchers used machine learning to characterize a cancer biomarker based on exosomes. Their biomarker worked well using non-invasive sources, such as blood and urine, allowing the researchers to catch cancer early, even in tumors of undetermined origins.

See how a new NCI-funded tool is helping scientists learn more about spatial gene expression, enabling them to use these data to better understand how cells relate—with their neighbors and within the tumor environment.

NCI has a new data science leader as of June 30, 2024! Meet Dr. Warren Kibbe. He’s bringing a wealth of experience to a brand new position at NCI—with the goal of advancing the use of data and data science in cancer research and care.

Learn about NCI’s LORIS, a new artificial intelligence-approach to help you predict how a patient will respond to immunotherapy.

Can you develop an algorithm that applies to every patient, in every situation? A recent study shows the importance of adding diversity to your data when developing AI models.

See how NCI researchers are using artificial intelligence to develop tools that may someday help oncologists make more informed decisions when caring for people with prostate cancer.

NCI-funded researchers are using machine learning to help identify an early-warning screening approach for colorectal cancer.