
Keep up with the latest news from the NCI Center for Biomedical Informatics and Information Technology (CBIIT) and the data science communities.

Are you a cancer biology investigator? NCI wants to hear about your experiences developing and implementing data management and sharing plans. Share your feedback by July 26, 2024.

What do you think of the updated Strategic Plan for Data Science from NIH? Respond to this Request for Information by March 15!

Do you conduct NIH-funded research? Try out these data management and sharing (DMS) plan pilot templates, give your input, and help shape the future of NIH DMS Plan design!

Help NCI’s Childhood Cancer Data Initiative better serve the cancer research and healthcare enterprise; provide your insight on the current capabilities of automated data entry and extraction from Electronic Health Records.

Let NCI know what improvements you’d like to see when it comes to support for early career cancer researchers and trainees in data science.

Are you working with source codes, algorithms, workflows, and other software in your cancer research? NIH wants to hear from you! Respond today to help NIH develop new best-practice guidelines.

NIH wants to hear from you! Give your perspective on how to better use Real-World Data in biomedical and behavioral research.

NCI wants your input to help determine how compatible NCI’s Cancer Research Data Commons is with artificial intelligence applications. Explore this request for information to learn how to contribute!

Contribute to this NCI-supported Request for Information by commenting on the usefulness and usability of informed consent language involving digital health technologies.

Do you have knowledge, interest, and experience conducting childhood cancer research? NCI’s Childhood Cancer Data Initiative seeks your input to identify opportunities to generate additional research molecular characterization data to accelerate scientific discovery and improve patient care through enhanced data sharing.