
Keep up with the latest news from the NCI Center for Biomedical Informatics and Information Technology (CBIIT) and the data science communities.

Discover the outputs of different-sized gene and protein networks (“interactomes”) and use an NCI-funded evaluation pipeline tool for assessing and integrating the best interactomes for your work.

A new computational model reveals how local tumor conditions impact therapy effectiveness.

Here at NCI, how are we maximizing data utility? Two of our leaders comment on the ways we’re making data ready for use with artificial intelligence (AI), more valuable to the cancer research community, and more!

The NCI Cancer Research Data Commons (CRDC) is a great resource for accessing cancer research data. So, how have your colleagues been using it recently? Read this article to find out!

What influences the performance of an AI model more: where the researcher collected the data, or how? NCI-funded researchers set out to investigate some of the factors that could influence the performance of an AI-based image model screening for cervical cancer.

Read this recently released collection of 13 studies to learn more about NCI’s Human Tumor Atlas Network (HTAN). You’ll gain insights into tumor development, progression, and treatment responses through advanced research methodologies and 3D tumor atlases.

This discovery could impact our understanding of the progression of pancreatic cancer and guide future research and treatment strategies.

Want to learn more about the noncoding regions of DNA that impact cancer and its resistance to treatment? A new NCI-funded computational tool called “MethNet” may help.

Looking for a new tool to help you better understand the genes that drive cancer? See how this NCI-funded tool called “HAPI” can help you spot structural changes linked to hijacked enhancers—bits of DNA that move from one location to another to boost overexpression of cancer-causing genes.

Discover how you can use it to access and visualize genomic data, making it easier for you to analyze and interpret complex omics data.