Genomic Data Sharing (GDS) Policy Contact Information

Contact - Decorative ImageAdditional information is available on the NIH GDS Policy website. For questions about the policy, email the NIH GDS Mailbox. For NCI-specific questions regarding the policy, please contact the Program Officer, followed by the Genomic Program Administrator (GPA) in the appropriate NCI division, office, or center. For non-NIH studies, contact the NCI Office of Data Sharing

NCI-designated GPA by Division or Center


NCI Intramural Researchers

Division or Center GPA GPA Assistant or Back-up
Center for Cancer Research (CCR) Kathleen Calzone Abid Reza
Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics (DCEG) Geoffrey Tobias  


Extramural Researchers

Division or Center GPA GPA Assistant or Back-up
Center for Cancer Genomics (CCG) Freddie Pruitt  
Center for Cancer Training (CCT) Mariam Eljanne Yansong Bian
Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities (CRCHD)  Anil Wali Emmanuel Taylor
Center for Strategic Scientific Initiatives (CSSI) Sean Hanlon  
Division of Cancer Biology (DCB) Justin Benavidez  
Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS) Charlisse Caga-Anan

Elizabeth Gillanders (GPA back-up)

Division of Cancer Prevention (DCP)  
Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis (DCTD)  


Non-NIH-Funded Researchers

Non-NIH-funded researchers should email


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