
Keep up with the latest news from the NCI Center for Biomedical Informatics and Information Technology (CBIIT) and the data science communities.

NCI’s Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences is using artificial intelligence (AI) to improve cancer screening methods and enhance patient outcomes. To learn more, listen to this GovCIO-hosted podcast.

Help advance the NIH mission by promoting data sharing and developing a metric to reward outstanding data sharers.

Thanks to a new AI model called “SCORPIO,” you may someday be able to use a simple blood test and routine clinical information to decide which patients will benefit from immunotherapy.

Discover the outputs of different-sized gene and protein networks (“interactomes”) and use an NCI-funded evaluation pipeline tool for assessing and integrating the best interactomes for your work.

Screening for the best medication for your patient could be more efficient thanks to a new model called “BATCHIE.” See how machine learning is helping boost precision medicine for cancer.

Would you use AI to help make decisions about cancer treatment? Check out this recent study on the complex AI-human interaction that’s at play when making decisions about treatment.

Looking for a good web application for downstream analysis and visualization of FragPipe-processed proteomic data sets? Try this one!

NCI-funded researchers are applying AI to digital pathology images to better understand cellular features, such as “nuclear wrinkling.” Such extreme wrinkling and folding is a hallmark of cancer.

NCI researchers debuted a new deep learning model that could help you decipher the cancer tumor’s microenvironment. The model holds a lot of promise for predicting which patients are most likely to benefit from checkpoint inhibitors.

A new computational model reveals how local tumor conditions impact therapy effectiveness.