
Keep up with the latest news from the NCI Center for Biomedical Informatics and Information Technology (CBIIT) and the data science communities.

Bring your ideas for reusing spatial omics and single-cell sequence data! Collaborate with researchers and coders on data interoperability, educational tools, and creative uses of the HTAN atlas data.

Explore this challenge if you’re a software tool developer interested in assessing how well your tool de-identifies medical images.

Learn more about the team that won the 2023 DataWorks! Challenge Grand Prize. The winners crowdsourced data gathering and used a common, interoperable platform to understand the impacts of COVID-19 on people with a current or past history of cancer.

Participate in the upcoming challenge to assess NCI Cancer Research Data Commons' compatibility with AI/ML technologies.

If you’re a data scientist interested in artificial intelligence and machine learning codeathons, apply for this opportunity to build a solution for cancer!

Explore a resource that lets you search for data challenges that address areas of unmet medical need!

The DataWorks! Prize recognizes and rewards exceptional researchers for their work in biological and biomedical data practices. Submit your data sharing/reuse best practice “recipes” by July 24, 2024!

Submit your expression of interest to transform cancer research with help from data science tools and methodologies. “Cancer Grand Challenges,” a global initiative founded by NCI and Cancer Research UK, announced new research challenges to address how we prevent, diagnose, and treat cancer.

Discover how the algorithms produced in this challenge performed in detecting breast cancer.

Share your thoughts on how data science can impact cancer’s toughest challenges, and your idea could transform into a team-operated, funded project for resolving that challenge! The deadline is November 28, 2022.