
Submit Your Project Pitch to the 2024 Human Tumor Atlas Network (HTAN) Data Jamboree

Do you jamboree? No banjo needed! Just bring your ideas for reusing data, especially spatial omics and single-cell sequence data.

Submit your short project pitch to the 2024 HTAN Data Jamboree by Friday, July 12!

This in-person event, taking place on November 6–8, 2024, and hosted on the NIH campus in Bethesda, MD, will bring together scientists and coders to create innovative solutions to cancer research problems.

Projects involving data interoperability, such as those that bridge public data with HTAN data, are of particular interest. Organizers also welcome projects that produce tutorial pipelines and educational tools.

Projects could include: 

  • building analysis pipelines,
  • utilizing visualization techniques,
  • developing artificial intelligence/machine learning algorithms,
  • employing statistical methods, or
  • using existing computational, mathematical, or informatics tools to address cancer-focused questions.

As a participant, you will have access to NCI Cloud Resources, providing an environment to work with HTAN data or combine it with other public data sets, including those created by fellow Jamboree participants.

Don’t miss this opportunity to collaborate, innovate, and make a difference in cancer research! Learn more and submit your project ideas on the HTAN Data Jamboree website.

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