
NIH Quantum Computing: New Frontiers in Biomedical Research Innovation Lab

In this collaborative innovation lab, you’ll brainstorm new research to develop quantum algorithms for addressing biomedical problems (including cancer research). The innovation lab will take place December 2-6, 2024. Apply by October 13, 2024.  

Space is limited, so apply as early as possible. If accepted, you must attend the entire event in-person in the Pacific Northwest. See the website for more details.

By taking part in this innovation lab, you’ll be part of a multi-disciplinary team of experts who will work to create feasible, short-term quantum computing use cases for biomedical research. The goal is to address important challenges in the field. 

You and your fellow participants will formally present all use cases that you develop during the lab. You’ll also write a short, accompanying report. These deliverables will be key factors for determining any awards. 

Apply to participate if your field is:

  • quantum computing,
  • systems biology,
  • applied mathematics,
  • artificial intelligence/machine learning, 
  • cancer biology,
  • biomedical data science,
  • biostatistics,
  • biomedical imaging,
  • computer science,
  • engineering,
  • and others! Organizers for the lab seek a diverse range of researchers to spark creative collaboration!
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