
Keep up with the latest news from the NCI Center for Biomedical Informatics and Information Technology (CBIIT) and the data science communities.

Are you developing digital twin technology and looking for possible funding? The National Science Foundation, NIH, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration will fund 6–10 new digital twin projects.

NIH and the National Science Foundation are participating in an interagency funding opportunity that seeks to address technological and data science challenges, which require fundamental research and development of new tools, workflows, and methods. Proposals are due October 3, at 5:00 p.m. (submitter’s local time).

Explore this NCI-supported solicitation for revision applications focusing on data reuse and secondary data analysis!

Explore this challenge if you’re a software tool developer interested in assessing how well your tool de-identifies medical images.

A new machine learning model blends image data with clinical and pathological information to tailor care for patients with breast cancer.

The NIH Common Fund wants to enhance the value and use of its programs’ data sets. One of these programs—the Gabriella Miller Kids First Program—is designed to make discoveries in childhood cancers and birth defects. If you have a project that needs funding and could help enhance such data sets, apply by June 27, 2024.

Do you have an idea for a project to help boost cloud computing at NIH? Check out this funding opportunity and see how you can help NIH more fully realize the potential of cloud computing.

NIH wants to help you advance biomedical research by supporting your data resource. Learn more about these funding opportunities and apply for financial support by September 25, 2024!

Are you developing groundbreaking technology (which could include using data science tools/methods) for the disruption of pediatric and/or rare cancer care? If so, explore this award opportunity and apply for funding!

With this funding opportunity, you can build a training program to educate predoctoral candidates in computational and data science analytics. Submit your application by May 24, 2024.