Cancer Data Science Pulse

The Cancer Data Science Pulse blog provides insights on trends, policies, initiatives, and innovation in the data science and cancer research communities from professionals dedicated to building a national cancer data ecosystem that enables new discoveries and reduces the burden of cancer.

After her fellowship with NCI, one health information manager learned it’s never too late to learn more about data science. Read about the five things she said are helping her in her career.

Patients play a pivotal role in cancer research by generously giving the “gift” of data. In this blog, Dr. Jaime Guidry Auvil of NCI’s Office of Data Sharing looks closely at that gift and what it means for everyone involved in cancer research—scientists, people with cancer, their families, and generations to come.

Want to know what NCI learned from a recent RFI on data sharing processes? Explore insights and NCI’s future plans to support cancer data scientists!

NCI recently hosted a two-day workshop with more than 600 developers, researchers, and data scientists from the United States, Canada, and the European Union. Participants addressed some of the challenges of removing personal information from medical images—a process called de-identification. This blog features highlights from the workshop.

Find out what a previous fellow has to say about her experience with data science in an NCI fellowship, and how she applied what she learned to her cancer research career.

Mr. Steve Friedman of NCI’s Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences’ Surveillance Research Program shares how his survivorship of testicular cancer impacted his decision to pursue the cancer data science field.

Meet Drs. Ajay Aggarwal and Anant Madabhushi, two grantees funded by NCI’s Center for Global Health’s Affordable Cancer Technologies (ACTs) Program. These ACTs-supported grantees are using artificial intelligence (AI) to develop tools that can be used in a variety of conditions and health systems around the world.

Common Data Elements (CDEs) are a key component of NCI’s semantics infrastructure. CDEs allow us to assign meaning to data in a way that’s predictable, consistent, and persistent across time. In this blog, CBIIT’s Ms. Denise Warzel and Dr. Gilberto Fragoso take a deep dive into CDEs and show how they help researchers define, map, and use data more efficiently.

If you can see it, you can treat it. In this blog, Dr. Baris Turkbey, senior clinician in NCI’s Molecular Imaging Branch, Center for Cancer Research, explores the field of theranostics. He describes how artificial intelligence and data are helping researchers “see” cancer in a new way, resulting in a more precise way of targeting cancer treatment.

CBIIT’s series on data visualizations continues with a look at visualizing genetic data in a three-dimensional (3D) format. Here, Dr. Michael Sierk, a contractor with Essential Software, Inc., and Dr. Daoud Meerzaman from CBIIT’s Computational Genomics and Bioinformatics Branch show how they create visualizations in 3D using a new tool called 3DVizSNP.