
NCI Metadata Software and Services Team Recognized for Updating Metadata Infrastructure

Do you use the caDSR II metadata services? If so, hopefully your needs have been better met since last year’s update of the metadata infrastructure. During the 2023 NIH Director’s Awards Ceremony, the NCI CBIIT Metadata Software and Services Team received a Customer Service Group award for this work on updating CBIIT’s metadata infrastructure, caDSR II.

“Given [the fact that] multi-modal data has become essential to gaining a complete picture of cancer patients’ journeys, data interoperability is crucial for cancer research and care,” says Dr. Umit Topaloglu, chief of CBIIT’s Clinical and Translational Research Informatics Branch, who nominated the team. “The Metadata Software and Services Team has been tirelessly working to address the interoperability challenges by developing semantic foundation for NCI’s research initiatives.”

Congratulations are in order for:

The Metadata Software and Services Team is a collaboration between CBIIT’s Metadata Team, NCI IT, and leadership advocates to update the infrastructure and business processes associated with caDSR II. caDSR II consists of a database, application programming interfaces, and web-based tools for creating and using data standards for cancer research.

For information on metadata services for cancer research, visit our resource page.
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