Cancer Data Science Course

Are you interested in the field of cancer data science? Whether you’re intending to transform your career with it, or you’re just looking for some perspective, we hope this beginner series can be your roadmap to better understanding this pivotal field. 

Watch, read, and review your way through each chapter to learn fundamental information and skills. 

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Chapter 6: Working in the Cancer Data Science Field

Chapter Description

Do you really need to be a data scientist to do cancer data science? Cancer data science is an interdisciplinary field, and researchers have a vital part. In this chapter, you’ll explore the different professionals that make up a cancer data science team and learn how to collaborate effectively to leverage the team’s expertise for your research projects.

Start the Course


Watch our video, “5 Tips for Working with a Cancer Data Science Team” (approx. 6 minutes long).

Test your knowledge!

Which of these specialists does not work with data?

Other Related Materials:

Don't Stop Now!

Continue your learning through these other NCI-funded resources. 


Subhashini Jagu, Ph.D.
NCI Center for Biomedical Informatics and Information Technology (CBIIT)
Dr. Jagu is a scientific policy and program branch chief as well as supervisory health scientist administrator in the Office of Data Sharing. Her role encompasses the provision of scientific programmatic oversight and expertise, particularly in the realm of NCI data sharing initiatives, with a dedicated emphasis on the Childhood Cancer Data Initiative (CCDI). She takes the lead in formulating policies and guidelines pertaining to data depositions.

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