Cancer Data Science Course
Are you interested in the field of cancer data science? Whether you’re intending to transform your career with it, or you’re just looking for some perspective, we hope this beginner series can be your roadmap to better understanding this pivotal field.
Watch, read, and review your way through each chapter to learn fundamental information and skills.
Chapter 4: Big Data Science Technologies
Chapter Description
Do you need a big budget to do big data analytics? In this chapter, you’ll learn more about 5 big data technologies: Cloud computing, high performance computing, artificial intelligence, wearable devices/sensors, and digital twins. By the end of this chapter, you’ll know more about how NCI uses these technologies for cancer research and what kind of resources you would need to use them.
Start the Course
Watch our ~6-minute-long video, “5 Tips for Practicing Cloud Computing”
Test your knowledge!
Other Related Materials:
- Computing for Cancer Informatics Course: Get an in-depth look at key underlying principles in computing, including how computer hardware and software work, computing resources designed for research, and the variety of computing options available to you.
- An Introduction to Cloud Computing for Cancer Research: Read this overview of cloud computing and its application to cancer research, including tips for managing costs, access, and training to help advance precision medicine and cancer research.
- Commentary on How Digital Twins Could Transform Cancer Care: Explore the challenges and possibilities of cancer patient digital twins.
- Three Pillars of Cloud Computing—People, Processes, and Technology: Find out lessons learned from a principal investigator transitioning into a cloud environment.
- NCI Cloud Resources Help Tame Today’s Windfall: Introduce yourself to the three cloud computing platforms supporting NCI’s Cancer Research Data Commons.
- Informatics Technology for Cancer Research (ITCR) Website: Search for tools, code repositories, and introductory videos on informatics tools developed by NCI’s ITCR program.
Keep Going!
Continue to Chapter 5 to find out how you can use machine learning in your cancer research projects.
- Ready to start your project? Get an overview of the data science lifecycle and what you should do in each stage.
- Need answers to data science questions? Visit our Training Guide Library.