Cancer Data Science Course
Are you interested in the field of cancer data science? Whether you’re intending to transform your career with it, or you’re just looking for some perspective, we hope this beginner series can be your roadmap to better understanding this pivotal field.
Watch, read, and review your way through each chapter to learn fundamental information and skills.
Chapter 2: Coding Basics for Cancer Data Science
Chapter Description
Do you need to know computer science to do data science? Aren’t data scientists just computer scientists? In this chapter, we’ll answer those questions and set you up with tips and resources to write code for cancer research projects.
Start the Course
Watch our video, “5 Tips for Learning to Code” (approx. 6 minutes long).
Test your knowledge!
Other Related Materials:
- Python Introductory Series, Lesson 1: Watch this course recording from NCI’s Bioinformatics Training & Education Program (BTEP) for information and guidance on Python (i.e., its command syntax, where you can find Python packages, and how it’s used to start a Jupyter Lab session on Biowulf). Note: Given this is a recording, you will have to access the resource tools specified within the video to follow along with the instructor.
- An Introduction to Python for Data Science (Part 1) (Part 2): Watch this beginner-oriented, two-part series on Python, presented by NIH’s National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities.
- Introduction to R: Watch this NCI BTEP course recording for an introduction to R and RStudio. Note: Given this is a recording, you will have to access the resource tools specified within the video (i.e., DNAnexus and RStudio) to follow along with the instructor).
- GitHub Automation for Scientists: With this course, you’ll walk through the “why’s” and “how’s” for using automation to enhance your scientific software development process. This course is designed particularly for students in the biomedical sciences and researchers who use informatics tools.
- Choose a Programming Language: Refer to this recording from the NCI Center for Cancer Research’s Bioinformatics Training and Education Program to learn about R and Python—from installation to execution.
Keep Going!
Continue to Chapter 3 to discover key statistics concepts that will enhance your cancer research.
- Ready to start your project? Get an overview of the data science lifecycle and what you should do in each stage.
- Need answers to data science questions? Visit our Training Guide Library.