Pre-Application Webinar for ITCR Education Resource Funding Opportunity
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) will hold a pre-application webinar for the Informatics Technology for Cancer Research Education Resource Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) RFA-CA-19-042.
This ITCR FOA supports educational activities that enhance the use and usability of ITCR informatics tools and other resources. Specifically, the awardee will provide short courses in:
- Cancer informatics for cancer researchers
- Optimizing informatics tool usability and user support for informatics tool developers
The courses supporting education in cancer informatics should cover the variety of cancer research domains supported by ITCR tools and incorporate ITCR tools as exemplars for applying informatics methods. The courses in optimizing informatics tool usability and user support should focus on activities that target the needs of currently funded ITCR teams.
NCI staff involved in this FOA will provide orientation to the FOA, technical assistance to potential applicants by explaining the goals and objectives, and answer questions from webinar attendees. Potential applicants are encouraged to submit their questions by October 14, 2019, to
Participation in this webinar is optional and is not required for the submission of an application in response to RFA-CA-19-042.
Pre-registration is required.
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