Childhood Cancer Data Initiative Webinar

October 08, 2019 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. ET

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) will host a webinar on October 8 to share updates regarding the Childhood Cancer Data Initiative (CCDI).

During the webinar, NCI's Dr. Anthony Kerlavage and Dr. Jaime Guidry Auvil will share:

  • An overview of the symposium and summary of ideas received through the online platform
  • NCI’s current childhood cancer data sharing resources and initiatives
  • Next steps for CCDI

For more information about CCDI, visit

Tony Kerlavage, Ph.D.

Dr. Tony Kerlavage is the director of NCI’s Center for Biomedical Informatics and Information Technology (CBIIT), having previously served for 5 years as chief of the Cancer Informatics Branch. Under his purview were the launches of the Cancer Research Data Commons and the NCI Cloud Resources. Prior to joining NCI, Dr. Kerlavage spent over 25 years managing a range of information technology services and data science programs with an emphasis on open software and open data.  He was a founding member and director of the Department of Bioinformatics at The Institute for Genomic Research and, subsequently, Celera Genomics, where he served as senior director of the Online Information Business.

Jaime M. Guidry Auvil, Ph.D.

Dr. Jaime M. Guidry Auvil is the director of the NCI Office of Data Sharing at CBIIT. Since joining NCI in 2010, Dr. Guidry Auvil has coordinated programmatic and data sharing activities within NCI's Center for Cancer Genomics, most extensively for the pediatric cancer genomics Therapeutically Applicable Research to Generate Effective Treatments (TARGET) initiative. She additionally serves as an NCI representative on leadership and working group teams to provide guidance for the Gabriella Miller Kids First Pediatric Research Program through the NIH Office of the Director. Prior to joining NCI, Dr. Guidry Auvil led clinical and biomedical translational research studies within academia (Veteran Affairs Hospital of Baltimore and the University of Maryland Medical School) and the biotechnology industry (BBI Biotech, Inc.). 

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