Childhood Cancer Data Initiative Update at 10th Annual Congressional Childhood Cancer Caucus Summit

September 20, 2019 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. ET

The National Cancer Institute's (NCI) Center for Biomedical Informatics and Information Technology (CBIIT) Director Dr. Tony Kerlavage will provide an update on the Childhood Cancer Data Initiative at the 10th Annual Congressional Childhood Cancer Caucus Summit. Dr Kerlavage will be speaking alongside cancer research advocates, including 10-year-old cancer survivor Grace Eline, who spoke at the State of the Union Address earlier this year. 

The 2019 Congressional Childhood Cancer Caucus is a bipartisan caucus serving as a public policy clearinghouse for information on pediatric cancer and to be a forum for Members of Congress to work together to address this critical issue. The Caucus of over 100 congressional members strives to raise awareness about pediatric cancer, advocate in support of measures to prevent the pain, suffering and long-term effects of childhood cancers, and work toward the goal of eliminating cancer as a threat to all children. 

Tony Kerlavage, Ph.D.

Dr. Tony Kerlavage is the director of NCI’s Center for Biomedical Informatics and Information Technology (CBIIT), having previously served for 5 years as chief of the Cancer Informatics Branch. Under his purview were the launches of the Cancer Research Data Commons and the NCI Cloud Resources. Prior to joining NCI, Dr. Kerlavage spent over 25 years managing a range of information technology services and data science programs with an emphasis on open software and open data.  He was a founding member and director of the Department of Bioinformatics at The Institute for Genomic Research and, subsequently, Celera Genomics, where he served as senior director of the Online Information Business.

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