UCSF Information and Cancer Commons: Part 2 of 2
Join the upcoming Containers and Workflows Interest Group (CWIG) webinar to hear University of California, San Francisco’s (UCSF’s) Dr. Travis Zack share how he and his team use the Information Commons research platform to conduct cancer research.
Specifically, Dr. Zack will discuss:
- methods used to create structured cancer treatment plans based on HemOnc.org (a large database of oncology treatments).
- how to use tools to analyze and compare treatments and treatment modifications.
- how to use natural language processing on large data sets.
CWIG is a monthly webinar series that brings together data scientists, bioinformaticians, computer scientists, and researchers to learn more about cloud computing and container technologies, workflows, and pipelines that could drive cancer data science.
The webinar series features a variety of presenters from across NIH, industry, and academia. Though cancer research is the focus of the series, unrelated data science and cloud computing topics are still welcome. In the last year, the CWIG webinar speakers have discussed:
- NIH cloud programs like the Cancer Genomic Cloud, its fellow NCI Cloud Resources, and NIH STRIDES.
- commercial cloud platforms for biomedical data storage and computing.
- pipelines and tools for deep learning and various omics analysis.
This event is open to the public.
Dr. Zack is an oncology fellow working at UCSF’s Bakar Computational Health Sciences Institute. Here he combines his background in computational genomics and clinical oncology with machine learning methods on real world oncologic treatment data to better understand and predict treatment efficacy and toxicity.