Supporting Innovative Cancer Research Through Data Privacy
In this Cancer Moonshot℠ seminar, Dr. Bradley Malin will discuss how to support innovative cancer research through data privacy. NCI’s chief priority of sharing integrated data has led to the development of a National Cancer Data Ecosystem. Maintaining patient privacy and personal information are important aspects of both data sharing and the National Cancer Data Ecosystem’s efforts to link data at the patient level across disparate data sources.
This privacy-preserving patient record-linkage software enables the collection of patient-level data from different sources without sharing identifiable information beyond organizations that are authorized to hold such information. Various approaches are being evaluated for generating unique patient identifiers. The software-generated identifiers will ensure that cancer patient data are shared with the cancer research community without disclosing patient identities or private information.
This webinar is part of the Cancer Moonshot Seminar Series, which showcases the research progress from different Cancer Moonshot initiatives that support the 10 recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Panel report. Learn more about the seminar series and view the list of upcoming presentations and speakers.
Dr. Bradley Malin is the accenture professor of Biomedical Informatics, Biostatistics, and Computer Science and director of the Health Information Privacy Laboratory (HIPLab) at Vanderbilt University.