Special Lecture Series: The NCI Childhood Cancer Data Initiative (CCDI)—Learning from Every Childhood Cancer Patient

May 23, 2022 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. ET

During this lecture, NCI volunteer staff member and Duke University’s Dr. Warren Kibbe will present on the NCI CCDI and will be specifically discussing:

  • the current state of the initiative,
  • where the project is headed, and
  • how to get involved.

The NCI CCDI was announced by the White House and received its first allocation of funding in FY2020, with the goal of learning from every child and young adult with cancer to improve pediatric cancer treatment and data sharing integrity.

This presentation is part of the 2022 Special Lecture Series hosted by Big Data Training for Cancer Research, a program of Purdue University’s Center for Cancer Research. 

Warren Kibbe, Ph.D.

Dr. Kibbe is vice chair and professor for the Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics at Duke University and chief data officer at Duke Cancer Institute. He is also a volunteer staff member for NCI.  

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