Register Today to Collaborate on AI Ethics Across the Data Ecosystem

March 14, 2022 - March 18, 2022
A series of gears with labels collaboration, exchange, success, assist, inspiration, trust, and goal, are all fitted together in a single image. It shows the value of all these things working together in a synchronized machine.

NIH’s Office of Data Science Strategy (ODSS) is hosting a 5-day virtual workshop to promote ethical approaches in artificial intelligence (AI) across the data ecosystem. Apply by 5:00 p.m. ET on Monday, February 14, 2022 to participate!

This Innovation Lab, “A Data Ecosystems Approach to Ethical AI for Biomedical and Behavioral Research,” will give participants the opportunity to forge new partnerships and develop systems-wide solutions for defining and addressing the ethical concerns that may arise in AI and data research.

People with a broad range of expertise are encouraged to attend. The goal is to have experts in areas that include:

  • behavioral and biomedical research,
  • data management and data science,
  • Institutional Review Boards,
  • data and technology standards,
  • data repositories,
  • AI model development,
  • computer science and computational tool development,
  • social science,
  • ethics,
  • technology law and data sharing policy,
  • patient advocacy, and
  • community engagement. 

Such interdisciplinary collaborations will help foster a highly productive and informative laboratory and lead to definitive results, such as peer-reviewed publications and proposals for future NIH funding opportunities.

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