“RDMkit, a Research Data Management Toolkit Built by the Community for the Community"

March 11, 2022 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. ET

Did you know that, starting in 2023, researchers (including cancer researchers) receiving NIH funding will not only need to include a Data Management Plan in their grant applications but make their data publicly available?

If you’re a researcher looking to learn about these new data management and data sharing mandates, this webinar is for you.

Professor Carole Goble and Dr. Frederik Coppens will present the ELIXIR RDMkit, a toolkit for the biosciences community that includes training materials, standards, and databases to guide data management planning and teach FAIR data practices.

ELIXIR, the pan-national European Research Infrastructure for Life Science data, supports researchers across the Research Data Management lifecycle, bridging pan-national data ecosystems across bio-domains.

This webinar is part of the monthly NIH Data Sharing and Reuse Seminar Series hosted by the NIH Office of Data Science and Strategy.

Carole Goble, CBE FREng FBCS CITP

Ms. Carole Goble is a professor of computer science at the University of Manchester, UK.

Frederik Coppens, Ph.D.

Dr. Frederik Coppens is head of node for ELIXIR Belgium and is IT manager at the VIB-UGent Center for Plant Systems Biology.

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