Pilot Centers for Precision Disease Modeling—Comprehensive Functional and Phenotyping Analysis of Disease-Causing Variants in Model Organisms

May 10, 2022 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. ET

Join the May NCI SeqSPACE webinar to hear speakers from the NIH-funded Pilot for Centers for Precision Disease Modeling present their collaboration’s approach to supporting, developing, and integrating animal models into precision medicine research.

This initiative’s collaborative research projects involve precision animal models that link personalized medicine efforts in humans with advances in animal genomics to address specific medical problems, including cancer. These models and resources are made available to the biomedical research community.

Each speaker will present their institution’s precision disease modeling approach, how it supports the biomedical research enterprise, and its application to cancer epidemiology studies:

  • Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) Center for Precision Medicine Models, which support researchers, clinicians, genetic counselors, patients, and support organizations in the development and study of precision animal models of human-disease-associated genetic variation.
  • Jackson Laboratory Center for Precision Genetics and its role in developing, distributing, and integrating precision mouse models of human disease into research programs.
  • University of Alabama at Birmingham Center for Precision Animal Modeling, which provides a national service to generate precision disease animal models for researchers and physicians working to diagnose, treat, and study genetic diseases.

The SeqSPACE webinar series is hosted by NCI’s Epidemiology and Genomics Research Program, inviting NCI grantees and other interested individuals to share lessons learned and practical information regarding the application of next generation sequencing to cancer epidemiology studies.

Oleg Mirochnitchenko, Ph.D.

Dr. Mirochnitchenko is a health scientist administrator in the Office of Research Infrastructure Programs at NIH.

Jason Heaney, Ph.D.

Dr. Heaney is the director of the Genetically Engineered Rodent Models Core and BCM Center for Precision Medicine Models.

Cathleen Lutz, Ph.D.

Dr. Lutz is the vice president of the Rare and Orphan Disease Center at the Jackson Laboratory.

Robert Kesterson, Ph.D.

Dr. Kesterson is the director of the Disease Modeling Unit of the University of Alabama at Birmingham Pilot Center for Precision Animal Modeling.

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