Overview of Updates for Recent Version of Gene Sets Project, GENCODE

April 11, 2022 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. ET

The NCI Genomics Data Commons (GDC) April webinar will feature Dr. Bill Wysocki providing an overview of the GDC’s recent reference gene model update to GENCODE version 36 (v36). These updates are necessary to keep up with the ever-evolving gene definitions and annotations used in bioinformatic analyses. This work is in alignment with one of the GDC’s main goals to provide useful and up-to-date genomic data for the cancer research community.

During this webinar, Dr. Wysocki will:

  • provide an overview of the GDC GENCODE v36 data update, including affected file types, GDC bioinformatics pipeline changes, and updates to GDC analysis and exploration tools.
  • demonstrate how to download GDC GENCODE v36 data.
  • compare data generated using GENCODE v22 (the previous reference gene model) versus v36.

As a data sharing platform within the NCI Cancer Research Data Commons (CRDC), the GDC provides access to large quantities of genomic data in and around 18 formats. Learn more about the GDC and its fellow data sharing components by visiting the CRDC website.

Bill Wysocki, Ph.D.

Dr. Wysocki is the director of User Services and Outreach for the GDC at the University of Chicago.

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