NIH Office of Data Science Strategy Search Workshop
As a data scientist or biomedical researcher, the word “search” implies a very broad set of actions. Nevertheless, search is ultimately the critical first step for any scientist who is looking for information or data. However, to improve global data search across the data ecosystem, strategy must be built on user expectation (e.g., UI/UX) data-focused capabilities and context (e.g., metadata for search and data sharing), and implementation opportunities (i.e., data accessibility, interoperable, reuse).
In this workshop, participants will explore the current capabilities, gaps, and opportunities for global data search by examining these scientific drivers.
- Using search to build cohorts: Find data across different platforms/repositories using patient attributes to create a cohort of patients for clinical analysis
- Using search to find relevant data and repositories: Find data and repositories, find links to data in the publications, and analyze the data in a specific way or to create computational models
- Using search for (complex) information retrieval: Specific question without the additional burden of data download or analysis
CBIIT’s Senior Biomedical Informatics Program Manager, Dr. Ian Fore, will be among the speakers presenting at the workshop. On the second day of the workshop (January 20), he will present on the current search landscape at NIH.
Additionally, a Request for Information (RFI) is available for collecting public input on search capabilities across the biomedical landscape for NIH-wide data discovery. The submission deadline for this RFI has been extended to Friday, January 28. Respond today!
Upcoming Events
- Progress on International Childhood Cancer Data PartnershipSeptember 23, 2024AI and Global OncologySeptember 24, 2024NCI’s Clinical and Translational Data Commons: Your Resource for Cancer DiscoverySeptember 25, 2024Computational Modeling to Advance Novel Medical Isotopes for Radiopharmaceutical TherapySeptember 27, 20242024 Children’s Brain Tumor Network (CBTN) SummitOctober 09, 2024 - October 11, 2024