NCI Childhood Cancer Data Initiative Annual Symposium 2021

November 09, 2021 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. ET

Registration is now open for NCI’s Childhood Cancer Data Initiative (CCDI) Annual Symposium. Keep the momentum of the initiative going; attend to exchange information with other cancer researchers and learn about current cancer data activities. Email the CCDI if you have questions.

A full agenda for the event is available and includes NCI and community speakers. Below includes a truncated agenda with NCI staff presenters only:

11:00 a.m.11:15 a.m. Welcome and CCDI Video NCI Speaker: Ned Sharpless, M.D.
11:15 a.m.11:30 a.m. Keynote: Childhood Cancer Perspectives  
11:30 a.m.12:50 p.m. CCDI Highlights and Current Activities NCI Speakers: Angela Mariotto, Ph.D.; Mary Frances Wedekind, M.D.
12:50 p.m.1:00 p.m. Opportunities for CCDI in the Coming Years NCI Speaker: Jim Doroshow, M.D.
2:00 p.m.4:55 p.m. CCDI Opportunities in Three Focus Areas NCI Speakers: Betsy Hsu, Ph.D.; Troy McEachron, Ph.D.; Jack Shern, M.D.; Brigitte Widemann, M.D.
4:55 p.m.–5:00 p.m. Closing Remarks  

CCDI is building a community centered around childhood cancer and research data. Through enhanced data sharing, CCDI aims to improve our understanding of cancer biology to improve preventive measures, treatment, quality of life, and survivorship, as well as ensure that researchers learn from every child with cancer. Learn more at the CCDI webpage.

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