Machine Learning and Health Outcomes in Cancer Care Delivery Research Virtual Workshop

May 16, 2022 - May 17, 2022

NCI is conducting a two-day virtual workshop, Machine Learning (ML) and Health Outcomes in Cancer Care Delivery Research, focused on research in ML, cancer care delivery, and health outcomes. Applying ML and natural language processing to electronic health record data has resulted in new approaches and data sources used in healthcare delivery to improve cancer care quality and patient health outcomes.

The event goals are to identify scientific gaps, barriers, and opportunities in this emerging area of cancer-focused healthcare research.

Workshop Agenda includes:

May 16

  • Keynote Presentation: Driving Health Equity Through Representative AI and Inclusive Innovation
  • Session 1: Landscape of NCI-funded Research
  • Session 2: Applying Machine Learning to Identify High Risk Patients & Outcomes
  • Session 3: Machine Learning Approaches to Improve Cancer Patient Symptom Monitoring & Health Outcomes

May 17

  • Session 4: Algorithmic Bias & Ethics
  • Session 5: Unstructured Data: Drawing Meaning Across Domains to Inform Healthcare
  • Session 6: Machine Learning-Based Decision Support at Point of Care

NCI’s Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences is a key moderator for this workshop. For additional information or questions about the event, contact the NCI Healthcare Delivery Research Program.

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