Join the AWS Summit Pre-Day Event to Learn More About Using Machine Learning and the Cloud to Transform a Patient’s Radiology Journey

May 23, 2022 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. ET

Attending the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Summit in Washington, D.C., next week? Be sure to register for the free Industry Pre-Day event on May 23, 2022. NCI CBIIT’s Dr. Keyvan Farahani will take part in a 50-minute panel discussion, titled “Elevating a Patient’s Radiology Journey with ML and the Cloud.”

The panel will examine how medical imaging techniques, including radiology and pathology, are being blended with machine learning and cloud technologies to improve patient care. These technologies have the potential to:

  • streamline diagnosis,
  • monitor treatment and progression of disease,
  • trim time and costs, and
  • make expert care accessible, even in areas where specialists aren’t readily available.

Dr. Farahani will describe NCI’s robust cloud-based ecosystem, the Cancer Research Data Commons (specifically, the Imaging Data Commons), and show how these resources are helping to advance cancer research and care.

Dr. Farahani said the emphasis of his discussion will be on cancer, but anyone interested in using an image data approach to clinical research is encouraged to attend.

Other panel members include Dr. Sharmila Majumdar, professor and vice chair of radiology, University of California San Francisco, and Dr. Eliot Sigel, professor of radiology, University of Maryland.

AWS Summit events will run through May 25 and include demonstrations and activities, such as “Ask the Expert,” AWS training and certification, interactive workshops, and presentations by AWS insiders, builders, customers, and partners.

Keyvan Farahani, Ph.D.

Dr. Keyvan Farahani is NCI CBIIT’s program director for imaging informatics and the federal lead for the Imaging Data Commons.

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