Introduction to the Health Disparities Calculator (HD*Calc)
Are you working with population-based health survey data and looking for a way to measure and evaluate health disparities?
Attend this webinar to learn how to use NCI’s HD*Calc to calculate both absolute and relative summary measures. HD*Calc lets you examine multiple measures related to health disparities and display your findings—both in tabular and graphic form. You can use the calculator to examine cancer incidence and mortality rates and assess how health disparity measures relate to race/ethnicity, social economic status, and geographic area.
NCI created the HD*Calc to use with NCI’s Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) data. But you also can apply this software tool to other population data sets in other research areas.
Dr. Lewis is an epidemiologist in the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences’ Surveillance Research Program at NCI.
Mr. Scoppa is a senior systems analyst at IMS, Inc.