Human Tumor Atlas Network (HTAN) Summer Meeting

June 12, 2023 - June 13, 2023

Attend this year’s Human Tumor Atlas Network (HTAN) Summer Meeting to learn more about the HTAN resources and how these single-cell resolution cancer atlases can help advance your research.

Registration is open until June 13, 2023.

Attend in person at the Broad Institute in Cambridge, MA, to view the poster sessions and to take advantage of onsite networking opportunities. Or, join online through Zoom.

Presentations will include a “Lightning Talk” on computational/software tools, moderated by Oregon Health and Science University’s (OHSU’s) Dr. Allison Creason and HTAN Data Coordinating Center’s (DCC’s) Mr. Ino de Bruijn, with topics that include the following:

  • The Cancer Research Institute Atlas: an open-source, interactive portal and platform for immuno-oncology research
  • Contextual cell state inference in whole-slide multiplex images of tissue with deep convolutional neural networks
  • Unsupervised and supervised discovery of tissue cellular neighborhoods from cell phenotypes
  • Consensus tissue domain detection in spatial multi-omics data using Multiplex Image Labeling With Regional Morphology
  • Democratizing multiplexed tissue imaging: a masked image modeling approach to multiplexed tissue imaging panel reduction and imputation
  • Morph: defining tumor spatial clusters

HTAN is an NCI Cancer MoonshotSM initiative designed to produce detailed single-cell and spatial cancer atlases, allowing us to better understand how cancer progresses and responds (or becomes resistant) to therapy.  

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