Finding Neighborhoods in the Land of Spatial Omics

April 23, 2024 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. ET

Join Dr. Kai Tan of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia as he discusses his cutting-edge technology, CytoCommunity, for the supervised and unsupervised discovery of tissue cellular neighborhoods. CytoCommunity offers a powerful and scalable method for de novo interpretation of cellular function and cell-cell communications in tissue microenvironments.

This event is part of the NCI Emerging Technologies Seminar Series, which highlights novel, NCI-funded technologies working to transform cancer research and clinical care.

Kai Tan, Ph.D.

Dr. Tan is the director of the Center for Single Cell Biology at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. He is also a professor for the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.

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