AWS HealthOmics: Transform Omics Data Into Insights
Join Amazon Web Services (AWS) representative Ms. Ariella Sasson as she demonstrates AWS HealthOmics. This cloud service can help bioinformaticians and researchers like you build, store, query, and analyze genomic, transcriptomic, and other omics data.
AWS HealthOmics makes storing and analyzing genomic data faster and easier. It allows you to bring your own containerized bioinformatics workflows (written in Nextflow, WDL, or CWL) or run one of the pre-configured workflows through simple API calls for a managed compute experience.
This webinar is part of the monthly Containers and Workflows Interest Group (CWIG) webinar series. CWIG brings together data scientists, bioinformaticians, computer scientists, and researchers to learn more about cloud computing and container technologies, workflows, and pipelines that could drive cancer data science.
The webinar series features a variety of presenters from across NIH, industry, and academia. Though cancer research is the focus of the series, unrelated data science and cloud computing topics are still welcome. In previous CWIG webinars, speakers have discussed:
- NIH cloud programs like the Cancer Genomics Cloud (CGC), its fellow NCI Cloud Resources, and NIH Science and Technology Research Infrastructure for Discovery, Experimentation, and Sustainability (STRIDES).
- commercial cloud platforms for biomedical data storage and computing.
- pipelines and tools for deep learning and various omics analyses.
Ms. Sasson is an AWS principal solutions architect who specializes in genomics and life sciences.