
New Publication Available: Value of Collaboration Among Multidomain Experts in Analysis of High-throughput Genomics Data

Round diagram with lines running through it. Middle reads "Multidomain expert" and sides read "Technical Laboratory bench work", "clinicians", "computational biology/bioinformatics work." Arrows circling around the diagram showing that one piece of the multidomain expert is connected to the next, clockwise.

Dr. Daoud Meerzaman of the National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) Center for Biomedical Informatics and Information Technology (CBIIT) and Dr. Barbara Dunn of NCI’s Division of Cancer Prevention recently published an article, Value of Collaboration Among Multidomain Experts in Analysis of High-throughput Genomics Data, in the Cancer Research Journal. The article offers insights into the challenges faced by non-geneticist healthcare providers when interpreting large-scale genomic data intended for clinical applications and proposes initiatives to address these communication and management hurdles. Read the article now.

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