
Funding Opportunities! SBIR Now Accepting Proposals for New Cloud-Based Analysis and De-Identification Solutions

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The National Cancer Institute (NCI) Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) is now accepting proposals for two new contracts aimed at supporting data analysis and de-identification solutions for cancer research. Applications close Friday, October 23, 2019, at 5:00 p.m. EDT.

The NIH/NCI 407 Cloud-Based Software for the Cancer Research Data Commons (CRDC) contract seeks to provide support for development and implementation of innovative solutions for continued advancement and evolution of cloud-based informatics tools to integrate with the CRDC for broader user community engagement. This mechanism offers small businesses the opportunity to contribute solutions to address unmet challenges of big data analysis that are not currently provided by the existing tools in the CRDC by developing and extending tools and resources to integrate into the rapidly evolving CRDC. Learn more and submit your proposal.

The NIH/NCI 411 De-Identification Software Tools for Cancer Imaging Research contract aims to support development and sustainment of software tools and pipelines for image de-identification, especially for but not exclusive to CT patient datasets and images produced by whole slide imagers (WSI) for digital pathology applications. These tools will selectively remove PHI while retaining other metadata fields that help provide interoperability with other image formats and other data types, such as genomic data and proteomic data. Learn more and submit your proposal.

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