
Are You Up for the Challenge? Pre-Register for the Metadata Automation DREAM Challenge

Purple image with text reading Medadata Automation DREAM Challenge. To the right a magnifine glass, heart, gear.

The Metadata Automation DREAM Challenge provides an opportunity for developers, cancer informaticists, data scientists, and data engineers to develop a solution to automate metadata annotation. Using structured biomedical data files, challenge participants will develop solutions to automate annotation of metadata fields and values, using available research data annotations (e.g. caDSR) as well as established terminologies and ontologies (e.g. NCIt, LOINC, Mondo, ICD).

A cash prize will be awarded to first, second, and third place winners, and entries will inform future development of the NCI Cancer Research Data Commons (CRDC).

Pre-register and learn more about the Metadata Automation DREAM Challenge. 

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