Unraveling the Mysteries of the Human Proteome: From Tools to Workflows and Analyses

April 21, 2021 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. ET

Researchers interested in learning how to use, connect, and analyze the NCI Proteomic Data Commons’ (PDC) data within the Seven Bridges Cancer Genomics Cloud (CGC) are invited to register for the upcoming Proteomics Virtual Workshop on Wednesday, April 21.
During the workshop, attendees will participate in a hands-on demonstration where they will learn how to:

  • navigate the PDC website for data sets.
  • link desired data sets to personal projects on the CGC.
  • find tools and workflows in the CGC Public Apps.
  • run the proteomics pipeline FragPipe (consisting of other well-known proteomic tools MSFragger, Philosopher, and TMT-integrator).
  • launch other proteomic tools within the CGC.

All researchers within the proteomics research community are welcome to attend but will need an active CGC account to participate in the hands-on exercises. To learn how to set up an account for the workshop, view the online tutorial.

As one of NCI’s Cloud Resources, the CGC provides researchers access to a wide variety of data sets from NCI Cancer Research Data Commons repositories like the PDC along with a catalog of tools to analyze and visualize the data directly from the browser.

Dave Roberson

Mr. Roberson is a community engagement specialist at Seven Bridges Genomics.

Felipe da Veiga Leprevost, Ph.D.

Dr. Leprevost is a research investigator within the University of Michigan’s Proteomics and Integrative Bioinformatics Lab. Directed by Dr. Nesvizhskii, the lab has developed the FragPipe proteomics pipeline and supports the processing of CPTAC data.

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