Introduction to UCSC Xena: A Tool for Multi-omics Data & Associate Clinical and Phenotypic Annotations
Join Ms. Mary Goldman of the University of California, Santa Cruz, to learn more about UCSC Xena: a web-based visual integration and exploration tool.
During this webinar, Ms. Goldman will showcase seminal cancer genomics data sets from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and the Pan-Cancer Atlas, as well as from the Genomic Data Commons, Pan-Cancer Atlas of Whole Genomes, and the International Cancer Genome Consortium; a total of more than 1,500 data sets across 50 cancer types. Through this presentation, you will learn how to use the same visualizations to view your own data privately and securely in UCSC Xena.
UCSC Xena can help you find answers if you find yourself in some of the following scenarios:
- I’m looking at a particular gene. Is over-expression of this gene associated with lower survival in one cancer type vs. another?
- Is a gene differentially expressed in TCGA tumor vs. GTEx normal?
- I just made subgroups. What are the most differentially expressed genes for each subgroup?
Ms. Goldman is a UCSC Xena design and outreach engineer. Through her role, she works with researchers and scientists to understand what a web application needs to effectively and interactively explore and present data.