Poster Session: “The Integrated Canine Data Commons: An Open Public Data Sharing Platform” at Paws for a Cure Research Symposium
The NCI’s Integrated Canine Data Commons (ICDC) team will present a poster titled, “The Integrated Canine Data Commons: An Open Public Data Sharing Platform,” at the 2nd Annual Paws for a Cure Research Symposium.
The team will give an overview of the ICDC and how it will enable veterinary oncology researchers to access and analyze data from other repositories, such as NCI’s Genomic Data Commons, to further relate their findings to those of humans.
Dogs can develop many of the same types of cancer as humans, and cancer treatments that are safe and effective for dogs often work well for people. The ICDC is the latest repository in NCI’s Cancer Research Data Commons, a cloud-based infrastructure with repositories that feature genomics, proteomics, and now canine data. By collecting data on dogs with naturally occurring cancer, researchers can compare with and learn more about human tumor pathways, how a type of cancer metastasizes, and what treatments may be effective for both canine and human cancer patients.