Genomic Data Commons Download and Upload Strategies
The NCI Genomic Data Commons’s (GDC) November webinar will show researchers how to both download from and upload to the GDC. As a data sharing platform within the NCI Cancer Research Data Commons (CRDC), the GDC provides access to large quantities of genomic data in and around 18 formats. GDC provides a variety of ways for users to transfer the high volume of available data.
During the webinar, GDC’s Dr. Bill Wysocki will cover:
- how to download data from the GDC using the GDC Data Portal, Data Transfer Tool, and API.
- how to upload data through GDC’s Data Transfer Tool and API.
- frequently asked questions and helpful tips for transferring data.
Learn more about the GDC and its fellow data sharing components by visiting the CRDC.
Dr. Wysocki is the director of User Services and Outreach for the GDC at the University of Chicago.