Docker Tech Talk
Developing apps requires writing code in multiple languages, frameworks, architectures, and discontinuous interfaces between tools for each stage of an app’s lifecycle. During this webinar, you’ll discover how Docker simplifies and accelerates this workflow, providing freedom to innovate your choice of tools, application stacks, and deployment environments for projects.
Join Mr. Scott Johnston and Mr. Todd Densmore as they talk through real-life case studies to illustrate the power of Docker and containers. Such powers include functionalities used by data scientists and medical researchers so they may enhance reproducibility and collaborate better.
To view upcoming speakers or recordings of past presentations, visit the CBIIT Data Science Seminar Series webpage.
The Data Science Seminar Series presents talks from innovators in the cancer research and informatics communities both within and outside of NCI.
This seminar is being co-hosted by NCI’s Containers and Workflows Interest Group (CWIG). The CWIG Webinar Series brings together data scientists, bioinformaticians, computer scientists, and researchers to learn more about cloud computing and container technologies, workflows, and pipelines that could drive cancer data science.
Mr. Johnston is the CEO of Docker. He received degrees in engineering and business from Stanford University.
Mr. Densmore is a senior solutions architect for Docker who received his M.Sc. in artificial intelligence from the University of Edinburgh. He has worked for companies producing static and dynamic code analysis, CI/CD tools, web IDEs, and ephemeral testing environments.