Digital Twins for Oncology via Imaging-Based Mathematical Modeling

February 07, 2022 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. ET

Join the February NCI Imaging and Informatics Community Webinar to learn how Dr. Thomas Yankeelov’s laboratory is using quantitative imaging data to develop digital twins, a virtual representation of a cancer patient from real-world data, to better predict risk and optimize therapy for cancer.

During the presentation, Dr. Yankeelov will cover:

  • how digital twins can lead to the success of adaptive, individual-based clinical trials as demonstrated by the I-SPY trials for breast cancer.
  • why physics and biology-based mathematical models are important for constructing digital twins.
  • what ideas are beginning to play out in predicting and optimizing neoadjuvant therapy for breast cancer.

This event is free and open to the public.

Thomas Yankeelov, Ph.D.

Dr. Yankeelov is the director of Cancer Imaging Research and a program leader of Quantitative Oncology at Livestrong Cancer Institutes.

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