CCDI Workshop: The Importance of Electronic Health Record (EHR) Data in Clinical Care and Research

November 02, 2022 10:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. ET

NCI’s Childhood Cancer Data Initiative (CCDI) is hosting a workshop to discuss issues and opportunities for extracting electronic health records (EHR)—health information stored in a digital format—for childhood cancer research.

During the session, the workshop will cover:

  • issues surrounding EHR data portability and interoperability.
  • potential approaches to structuring EHR data for maximal utility and benefit.
  • opportunities to capitalize on the use of EHR data for clinical care and research.

This workshop is organized by CBIIT Director Dr. Tony Kerlavage and CBIIT Office of Data Sharing Director Dr. Jaime Guidry Auvil

The NCI CCDI was announced by the White House and received its first allocation of funding in FY2020, with the goal of learning from every child and young adult with cancer to improve pediatric cancer treatment and data sharing integrity.

If you have any questions, please contact the CCDI team.

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