Cancer Genome Cloud: A Model for Advancing Pre-Clinical Trials on the Cancer Genomics Cloud—The PDXNet Story

February 24, 2021 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. ET

At the next Cancer Genome Cloud’s (CGC) monthly webinar series, Dr. Dennis Dean will share his experience working with members of the Patient-Derived Xenografts Development and Trial Centers Research Network (PDXNet) teams to make the data available through the CGC.

During the webinar, Dr. Dean will discuss:

  • the standardized operating procedures for collecting, processing, and validating data in the CGC.
  • novel tools to accelerate data collection and publishing of PDXNet resources.

As one of NCI’s Cloud Resources, the CGC provides researchers access to a wide variety of data sets from NCI’s Cancer Research Data Commons along with a catalog of tools to analyze and visualize the data directly from the browser.

The webinar series is free and available to the public.

Dennis A. Dean, II, Ph.D.

Dr. Dean serves as a Principle Investigator at Seven Bridges.

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