Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Cancer Health Disparities
Are you a clinical informatics researcher, general AI researcher, or clinician who’s interested in exploring AI utilization in cancer research?
Attend this webinar to learn about the application of AI in the field of cancer health disparities.
This webinar is part of the Cancer AI Conversations bimonthly webinar series. Each event features short talks from 2–4 experts who offer diverse perspectives on timely and relevant topics related to AI in cancer research. A moderated panel discussion will follow each talk.
Can’t attend an upcoming event? Recordings will be available after each session.
Dr. Pierson is an assistant professor of computer science at the Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute at Cornell Tech and the Technion. She develops data science and machine learning methods to study inequality and healthcare.
Dr. Robinson is the founder and CEO of Downeast Digital and is a practicing academic hospitalist at Moffitt Cancer Center.
Dr. Rotemberg is the director of the Dermatology Informatics Program at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. She also leads her own lab at Memorial Hospital.
Upcoming Events
2024 Children’s Brain Tumor Network (CBTN) SummitOctober 09, 2024 - October 11, 2024The Role of MIDRC in Medical Imaging AIOctober 11, 2024Rationalized Patient Match and Clinical Trial Design with Large/Moderate Language Models on EHR DataOctober 15, 2024NCI Office of Data Sharing’s Annual Data Sharing Symposium: Driving Cancer Advances Through Impactful ResearchOctober 16, 2024Generative AI for Modeling Single-cell State and ResponseOctober 16, 2024