Advancing Data Sharing for Implementation Science in Cancer Control: Part 2

June 07, 2022 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. ET

Join the paneled discussion that examines the multifaceted ethical, social, and research considerations for data sharing in implementation science and cancer prevention. Experts will discuss the importance of communities having a voice in research and the access-implications in data sharing as well as the ethical and human subject considerations involved. This workshop is intended to gather input from implementation science investigators and other experts in the fields of data science, ethics, data privacy, and security.

This is the second session of the three-part virtual workshop series, “Advancing Data Sharing for Implementation Science in Cancer Control.”

David Chambers, Ph.D.

Dr. Chambers is the deputy director for implementation science in NCI’s Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS). He manages a team focused on efforts to build and advance the field of implementation science through funding opportunity announcements, training programs, research activities, dissemination platforms, and enhancement of partnerships and networks to integrate research, practice, and policy.

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