
Submit Input to NIH and FDA About Next Generation Sequencing and Radiomics Resource Requirements

Cancer researchers and bioinformaticists are essential for providing input to the NIH and U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Joint Leadership Council Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) and Radiology Working Group. The working group wants to gather insight to address critical resource gaps and opportunities in NGS and radiomics tool development and data interpretation using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML).

Two Requests for Information (RFIs) have been issued, and responses should be submitted electronically by November 1, 2021:

  • NOT-OD-21-162: Provide input on the greatest needs and opportunities related to the following 4 topics: development of reference samples, tools, and infrastructure for clinical and translational research using NGS; application of AI/ML to the interpretation of NGS data and multi-domain data; existing resources that could be leveraged to fill resource gaps; and any general comments related to critical resource gaps and opportunities to support NGS test development and validation.
  • NOT-OD-21-163: Provide input on the greatest needs and opportunities for the development of high-quality radiological data sets and tools that can be used to support AI/ML development.

The working group will use these RFIs as key community input sources for the creation of a strategic roadmap and action plan for addressing these critical resource gaps and opportunities.

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