
Submit Abstracts for the Seventh Computational Approaches for Cancer Workshop

The Computational Approaches for Cancer Workshop (CAFCW21) Program Committee is calling for the submission of papers, focused on the application of computational approaches to cancer challenges, that could be presented at the workshop. Cancer and computer science researchers are encouraged to submit abstracts for these papers on the CAFCW21 Call for Abstracts webpage by Monday, September 13, 2021.*

The CAFCW21 is coordinated by the NCI-Department of Energy (DOE) partnership. As one of its aims, the NCI-DOE partnership sponsors workshops to foster collaboration, build multi-disciplinary teams, and explore emerging opportunities. This year, the CAFCW session has a special emphasis on digital twins or a “living” digital representation of a cancer patient that could be used with precision medicine to tailor and inform cancer research and care.

Authors may submit abstracts in the following formats:

  • Brief Abstracts
    • Equivalent to a 15-minute presentation
    • Up to 500 words
  • Extended Abstracts
    • Equivalent to a 30-minute presentation
    • Up to four pages long, structured as a preliminary technical paper, and include a bibliography in IEEE format for conferences.

The committee will evaluate all submitted abstracts based on the following criteria:

  • Originality
  • Technical Strength
  • Integration of computational approaches and cancer research topics
  • Alignment to cross-disciplinary objectives of the workshop
  • Expected interest to workshop attendees
  • Alignment with the workshop topic: Digital Twins in Cancer Research and Treatment

All authors submitting an abstract for review must have at least one author register for and attend the workshop.

CAFCW21 will be held in person and virtually on Sunday, November 14, 2021, in St. Louis, Missouri, in conjunction with SC21: The International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis.  

*Previous deadline for abstracts was Tuesday, September 7, 2021.

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