
New Funding Opportunity to Help Boost Cloud Computing

Do you have an idea that could help cancer researchers make better use of the cloud? If so, you might be interested in this multi-institute funding opportunity from NIH.

NIH is looking for projects to help strengthen and further modernize the infrastructure within today’s data ecosystem.

Does your project meet key criteria?

  • Will it work in a cloud environment?
  • Can you measure how well it’s working (i.e., helping scientists access, store, integrate, or analyze data in a way that’s moving science forward and that’s cost-effective)?
  • Will it help encourage broad and diverse types of research and work with many types of data (e.g., enabling multi-cloud or cross-cloud architecture)?
  • Does it build on existing projects, using new technologies?
  • Can you use it to make research in the cloud easier and more cost efficient?

If you answered yes to these questions, consider responding to this NOSI. If your project is selected, you could help NIH more fully realize the potential of cloud computing.

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