
NCI-DOE Workshops Focus on Computational Approaches for Predictive Radiation Oncology

Predictive Radiation Oncology-A NCI-DOE Scientific Space and Community” summarizes the recent NCI and the Department of Energy’s (DOE's) workshops focused on advancing computational approaches for predictive oncology in the clinical and research domains of radiation oncology.

Participants identified twelve key questions as the focus of work going forward to advance the field. These were then used to define short-term and longer-term “Blue Sky” goals. The group also determined success factors for predictive oncology in the context of radiation oncology, if not the future of all of medicine. These include:

  • cross-discipline collaboration,
  • targeted talent development,
  • development of mechanistic mathematical and computational models and tools,
  • and access to high-quality multiscale data that bridges mechanisms to phenotype.

The 3,870 hours of virtual engagement in these workshops represent participants from 8 DOE national laboratories and the NCI’s Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research, 4 research institutes, 5 cancer centers, 17 medical schools and teaching hospitals, 5 companies, 5 federal agencies, 3 research centers, and 27 universities.

Participants will now pursue next steps to address the unmet needs in radiation oncology and cancer research, with the NCI and DOE project goals aligning at the convergence of radiation therapy and advanced computing.

Read the full meeting report in the latest Radiation Research.

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