
Grant Opportunities to Develop Informatics Technology for Cancer Control and Population Sciences

If you’re looking for grant funding to develop informatics technologies that advance cancer research through data science, this recent Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) from NCI may be for you.

Several of the requests for applications (RFA) within the NOSI are from the Informatics Technology for Cancer Research program. This program supports data analysis, management, and visualization technologies. The first available application due date for these RFAs is June 13, 2023.

Some eligible research areas include:

  • development of innovative informatics methods.
  • early-stage development of informatics technologies for cancer research.
  • continuing support for informatics technologies for cancer research.
  • methods for improving data cleaning, processing, and analysis.
  • technologies to improve data collection, sharing, and standardized analysis strategies for cancer surveillance.

NCI wants to increase the number of applications they receive that focus on gaps in technology that could help investigators advance cancer control and population sciences. If this sounds like your work, apply today!

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